stuff and the happiness we expect from it


We had a pretty big storm last Friday.  It did some damage to our roof and water leaked into the house causing more damage inside.  I've been dealing with that mess and haven't had time to go through my recent photographs.

This is another picture of Nevin Sayre at Chapoquoit.  The focus on my recent shots isn't as sharp as I would like.  Maybe that's because I've been thinking about a new telephoto lens I want that is ridiculously expensive and I'm trying to justify the cost.  Always wanting more stuff is a symptom of our modern consumer culture.  It is too easy for us to convince ourselves that another object, a thing, will make us happier.

I don't think a new lens will make me happier.  But it might make my pictures sharper.  At least that is the way I'm rationalizing thinking about getting something I don't need.  

There is handwriting on the bottom of Nevin's board.  I can tell that the first words are his name, but I can't read the rest of it.  I want pictures that are so sharp every little detail is crystal clear.  Will I be happier if I achieve that?

Yes, OCD is an issue for me.
