better late than never


Was doing some work inside around noon today when I noticed that it looked like a pretty nice day outside.  Checking the weather app I discovered that it was a good day for the kite surfers.  I had to finish what I was doing and then pack up my gear before I could go.  By the time I left for Chapoquoit it was a little after 2:00 PM.  There were still some surfers there, but heavy clouds were rolling in and it was colder.  One of them, Tim, was already leaving when I arrived, but four of them were still out.

I hurried to setup and was able to take pictures for maybe 45-minutes before the surfers stopped because it was just too cold.  Peter told me that earlier in the day conditions were perfect.  Oh well.  

At least I got a few good shots, like this one of Jamie.  Photography is about a lot of things.  One of them, and it is an important one, is being in the right place at the right time.  Another thing about photography, however, is that it isn't only about the shots.  It's also about getting outside and hanging out with great people.  Better late than never.
