american town


A few days ago I posted a new video at YouTube called "An American Town."  I'm just now getting around to writing about it on this blog.  Busy.

It's a video that shows some familiar scenes from Chapoquoit beach, which, according to many people who commented on the video, I have been mispronouncing.  I've been pronouncing the last syllable as "kuat" instead of "kuoyyt."  Sorry.  

The video also has a segment covering the local protest group in my town.  They have been protesting for around twenty years in the public square on Main Street.  Free speech.

And, finally, the video has some scenes from climbing into the steeple of the First Congregational Church to photograph the bell made by Paul Revere.  Cool.

The lighthouse picture above is from this morning when I went to the Nobska lighthouse to do a sunrise time lapse.  It was too cloudy to see the sunrise, but I still had fun.  I got this long-exposure shot of the lighthouse with the trailing car taillights, and I flew my drone around.  Fun.

Just before I left the beach this morning I tried to photograph a seagull, but she flew away as I approached her.  Parting shot.

