kids at the beach


Went to the beach twice today, morning and evening.  In the evening, I got these two shots of young families with their kids.  In both cases I was shooting shutter priority with high shutter speeds to freeze the action, which gave me an aperture of f2.8 and an ISO around 200.  The f2.8 aperture has a shallow depth of field so in the upper picture the young boy is slightly out of focus and in the lower picture the father is slightly out of focus. 

I hate it when I screw up what would otherwise be nice shots.

This morning I was flying my drone at Chapoquoit specifically to get photographs of the color variations in the water.



About a year ago I was photographing the surfers and the water was a brilliant emerald green, like in this picture.  A woman asked me why the water was so green and I had to say that I didn't know.  I looked it up:  Phytoplankton is the answer.  Single-celled, photosynthetic organisms that contain chlorophyll, which is green.  Phytoplankton are abundant near the shore which accounts for the color gradation.  They produce half of all the oxygen available for breathing everywhere on our planet.  Seems like we should be careful not to inadvertently destroy them through careless behavior.
