

The wind picked up in the afternoon today so I took a chance and went to Chapoquoit near 5 o'clock.  Peter and Tom were there kite surfing when I arrived.  A dense fog started rolling in over the bay almost as soon as I got set-up.  The fog gave the beach an eerie but appealing sort of feel.  I only stayed about 40-minutes because the air was heavy and wet and I was worried about the effect on my camera and lens.  I did have them protected with a weather cover, but I was having to wipe off the front of the lens every few minutes.

I don't like the featureless grey sky, but the upside is the soft, even, light it provides.

Miles and Paul showed up at the end of my session.  Neither of them were planning to go out; they just wanted to see what was going on at the beach.  At the edge of the ocean our day-to-day decisions are shaped by wind and tides and an irresistible urge to see what's happening on the water.
