Paul at Chapoquoit Beach, December 3, 2018
Paul again
Tom with a flock of geese at Chapoquoit Beach
Yesterday the forecast for today looked very promising for a great day to be kiting. Low tide was just before noon and the wind was supposed to be blowing 21 mph WSW. But today it remained densely foggy until just after 1200 hours and when the fog finally lifted the wind was only about 16 mph. But there were still a lot of surfers at the beach, including a new surfer named Paul who just recently moved here. He’s in the top two images.
The third image, which is not perfectly focused, is Tom. I saw the geese coming and rushed to swing my camera around in time to capture them flying behind him. I got a couple shots, but they aren’t “tack sharp.”
Overall, it was a pretty fun afternoon. The temperature was unusually warm - well into the 50’s. I took this portrait of a different Paul, Paul Miskovsky, in the parking lot as we were leaving. He is holding my other camera while I take his photo.
Paul Miskovsky at Chapoquoit Beach, December 3, 2018