

Good day for the kite-surfers – temperature just above 40 degrees Fahrenheit and wind over 22 mph at Chapoquoit.  They started around 10:00 AM and two of them stayed until sunset at 4:45 PM.  I left around noon.

I took hundreds of photographs using a Nikon D500 with a 300 mm F4 prime lens and a 1.4x Nikon teleconverter, which gives me a 630 mm full-frame equivalent zoom.  I like this rig because it is small and easily handheld.  I don’t think it gives pictures that are as sharp as what I get with my Nikon 200-500 mm zoom mounted on a tripod, but it does make me more mobile.

Skimming through the pictures tonight I found several that I like, but this one of Ben struck me because of his pose.  His hand reaching down to touch the water with a serene, almost monk-like, countenance makes it look like he is paying homage to the ocean, and maybe he is.

I went back to the beach near sunset when the wind had dropped to around 15 mph and flew my drone trying to get video of the two remaining surfers, Tom and Miles.  Out of 30-minutes of total video about 1-minute looks okay, but not great.  I have a lot to learn about using the drone.  I think I’m improving – slowly.
