epic surf movie

This is a 10-minute video about the kite surfers where I live on Cape Cod.  I've been photographing them for about three years and I continue to be fascinated by their skills and the various personalities.  They represent an informal organization of people from widely different walks-of-life that connect with each other via mobile phones and social media about when and where the surfing will be good.  One of them calls me to let me know so I can go and photograph them.

Follow my YouTube channel:  Monte Ladner


earth day and the march for science

My town of Falmouth was one of the more than 600 cities around the world that held a March For Science event on Earth Day, April 22, 2017.  I went and photographed the people and talked with as many as I could.  It was great fun and inspiring to see so many really smart people making the case for science in our society.

In the video I reference an article reprint in the Washington Post about the first Earth Day on April 23, 1970.  You can find that article here.


rally for science

I went to Boston this past Sunday to participate in the rally for science.  The speakers were very good and the crowd was bigger than I expected, although I'm not sure what the official count was on the number of people there.

Scientists are more subdued than "normal" protesters.   Their enthusiasm for chanting protest slogans was noticeably (to me) muted.  These are people who think deeply about issues and work hard to maintain a cool head - exactly the sort of people we need running our government!


on marching

I was in Washington, D.C. for the Women's March on Washington January 21, 2017. I took lots of photographs and put them into this video.


flowers and trees

Planting flower seeds in the second half of April has become a tradition for me. By early summer I'll have zinnias and sunflowers to attract bees, butterflies, and birds to my garden. It's great fun.


glacial erratics

I've been reading about the nature of Cape Cod and was especially interested in the impact of the ice age on our local geology. The landscape where I live is filled with big rocks, called erratic boulders by geologists, that were deposited by a huge glacier 15,000 years ago. I went to a beach near my home and did some time lapse of the clouds over the rocky shoreline and shot some video of seagulls and birds that I think are called cormorants - could be wrong about that.



I've been out at some local beaches timelapsing clouds and sunsets and thinking about a book by Carlo Rovelli entitled Seven Brief Lessons on Physics.  

This video is my second attempt at a vlog-style video and I think I'm going to persist in trying to learn how to make vlogs (video-blogs).  It's a lot of fun to do and I like the idea of using visual imagery to help tell the story of what I'm doing with my life.


swan diaries - entry 004

In the fourth swan diary we answer questions like "why is there clear fluid dripping off the swan's beak?" and "do cygnets talk to each other and thier mother from inside their shells?"

Still no babies as of the morning of Sunday, July 5.
