a crappy picture

This shot has some technical blemishes beginning with poor focus, but there are some interesting elements.

I spotted the gull as it was flying directly toward me and thought I would try to photograph him from underneath as he flew over me, but he veered to the left of me at the last second. I was handholding what is the effective equivalent of a 630 mm lens and it's hard to keep something as small as a bird in the field of view with that tight zoom. So, this was an occasion when I thought it was better to be lucky than good.

F5.6 at 1/1600 of a second, ISO 180


hummingbird at 1/3200th of a second

Two days ago I saw, for the first time this summer, a hummingbird visiting the Bee Balm in my garden.  They must have been here earlier, but I hadn't seen them.  I didn't try to photograph them (I'm not sure that there is more than one) until today.  I took this photo with a shutter speed of 1/3200th of a second - and there is still some motion blur in the wings!

My backyard is home to a small community of birds, insects, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks and the occasional fox wandering through it.  To photograph the action I point my camera out the open back door next to my kitchen table where I can sit with a cup of coffee and listen to the birds chirping and squabbling at the feeder and the insects buzzing around the flowers while I wait for a picture to present itself.  I'm eavesdropping on a cycle of events that has been happening on this planet since long before I arrived and will continue long after I've gone.  Timeless.


happy new year

My first photograph of the new year, 2017.  Two doves in winter on an empty flower pot under a gray sky.  The image of doves and their symbolic representation of peace and love seemed like a timely message.

These are scary times and humanity is faced with big challenges.  Here in America we have a new president who rode a wave of populist hate, fear and stunning ignorance into power.  This could be cause for despair, but these doves huddled against the cold reminded me not to lose hope.  There are still plenty of good people who aspire to create a better world for their children.  If we stay true to our values and strong in our convictions we can, and will, prevail over the hate and division that has temporarily gripped us.

Happy New Year.  Let’s be the reason it’s a good one.
